Wednesday, May 21, 2014


I have caught myself wishing that I could push Fast Forward on my universal remote and push Play again in about a year when (hopefully) Dru will be on the mend from her transplant. 

Then I feel guilty because that also means speeding through my boys' lives and with them I just want push Pause. Threatening to freeze them so they don't grow up has stopped working. :)

We were able to attend some beautiful events here lately that have helped me to realize that I really don't want to speed things up and miss what's really important. 

My niece got married and my baby boy graduated from preschool. I am so happy that Dru is well enough to go to these family events still. When we first heard her diagnosis I thought she would be missing out on so much, so each time she goes with us (even just to the ballpark) it makes the day even more special. 

The wedding was beautiful. And Dru was awesome. She slept through most of it. Until we got to the car....

If any of you have a child with liver disease you know that their poop is not normal. It's very loose...Let's just say I did not go home in the clothes I left in. 
Thankfully Dru's dress was spared. It's made from a pillowcase my grandma Joe made me when I got married. Needless to say, Dru and I headed home for a shower and a tub. 

The next day was Saturday and that almost always means baseball. Dru was so happy this day. It was a great day. 

Last night my littlest man, Brevin graduated from preschool. It was bittersweet to watch. I was his teacher til last year so it was different for me being in the audience, but nice that I only had to focus on him. He's pretty much awesome. 
And thanks to my mom for taking a family picture of us. I really wanted one at the wedding but we all know how that turned out ;)
As much as I want Dru to be all better and running around feeling good, I will keep trying my best to keep our life as "normal" as possible.  Our "normal" is pretty cool and I want to savor every moment I get with these kiddos. Oh, and Bill is a good guy to hangout with too. ❤️

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