Sunday, September 28, 2014

Birthday Girl

Dru turned 1!!!!

We've been celebrating for a week. 
We started with a party at my mom's house last Sunday 
Lots of cake, cousins, and noise. Dru was wore out by the time we got home. 
The next day we had our clinic visit. We talked about cutting back the rate of her feeds to see if we can keep her from throwing up so much. And we talked a lot about the size of her belly. 
We decided to schedule another tap for Wednesday. We left the house at 6 am and planned on spending the day at the hospital. 
They were able to drain 1000 ccs off her belly!!! That is 1 liter. No wonder she has been so uncomfortable. I'm choosing to believe that the reason she keeps accumulating so much fluid is God's way of preparing her little body to have room for a new liver. 

As we were sitting in her recovery room waiting for her infusion of albumin to be done, the nurse came in with bad news. 

The fluid they removed tested positive for infection. 

We get to stay overnight (or longer). 

We'd be spending Dru's birthday in the hospital :(

I was really bummed. But I know it was the safest place for her to be. 
There are some perks to being in the hospital. The nurses love Dru and I can relax a little bit because I'm not in charge. Someone else is giving her medicine and hooking up her TPN. THey even change her diapers. 

And our friends still managed to find us in the hospital on her birthday. 
Thanks Peine's!!!!
She also got a stuffed horse and a stuffed elephant and more ballons from the Child Life volunteers at the hospital. 
But the best gift of the day was the test results that showed she tested negative for infection and we could go home. Thank goodness for antibiotics. 
We came home with new medications and a slightly smaller belly. 

2 days later we were finally able to celebrate Dru's birthday with a quiet "party" at our house. 
She opened presents from her brothers, and a sweet neighbor, Emily, who always makes sure Dru is dressed in style and gave her the movie BRAVE. I bawled like a baby when I saw it because who is braver than my girl?

There were also gift waiting for her from two BA moms that I have never met, but are so supportive. Thanks Kate and Jessica. 
I really wanted her to get down and dirty with her cupcake but this is the only reaction I got 
When this little fighter is well--we are going to have the biggest party ever and she can eat all the cake she wants :)

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