Wednesday, May 7, 2014

On the Bright Side

I don't even know what to say really. Today has been crazy. I guess I'll just start at the beginning. 

About 2 am Dru woke up crying. I went in, changed her diaper, rocked her for a while.  As I was laying her down I either stepped on her feeding tube or it was caught on the IV pole; either way it was not pretty. Her entire tube came out and the tape snapped off her cheek. Poor little thing screamed and has an owie to prove it. 

On the bright side, we didn't replace her tube immediately and it was nice to see her without it for a little while. 
Once we were all up and moving this morning, we took Dru to UVRMC to get a blood draw. I ALWAYS hate this process. She always looks at me to save her and I have to wait til it's done to give her my comfort. 

On the bright side...she looks to me for comfort. As an adoptive mom that means the world to me. 

After we got home this afternoon, we had a phone call from Dru's birthmom. She is amazing. We are blessed that she chose us to be Dru's family. She is understandably concerned about Dru's condition. She feels guilty that we might feel cheated that we adopted a "bad baby". We put an end to that train of thought as quickly as possible. We are nothing but grateful that our angel found her way to our home. We are nothing but grateful that Dru's belly mom was led by God's hand to our family. Talking with her always brings up mixed emotions. I have a hard time sometimes knowing that one of my greatest joys came from another mom's greatest sorrows. 

On the bright side...little miss magic has 2 families that love her so much and shed tears for her often. 

After the phone call it was time to place a new feeding tube :/. We opted not to call home health and do it ourselves. Bill told me later that he had a feeling come over him that he should do it. AND HE DID!!!! I had a hard time watching her choke a little bit. I may or may not have shed a tear. 

On the bright side...Dru didn't cry at all!! I really honestly feel that if we had a nurse do it, that she would have been on high alert with a stranger and been in tears before anyone even touched her.  She is now sleeping soundly and peacefully. 

My girl is a rock star and she amazes me daily with her happiness and smiles.


  1. You are really good with words, I love your writting! She is so beautiful Andy, perfect in every way!

  2. You are an amazing mom, Andy! God knew Dru needed you in her life as well as you needed her.
