Saturday, April 12, 2014

Same Old, Same Old

I love spring. It's getting warm again. Time to plant flowers, do yard work, BBQ. And time for baseball. I love watching our oldest boy, Trey, play ball. 
I am so proud of him.

I absolutely love that every weekend is spent at the ballpark. And we talked all last year about how fun it will be to have our baby girl join the fun. 
We have no shortage of helping hands at the games. Our team is our family and we have gotten so much support from them. 

It always makes me happy when we can be as "normal" as possible with Dru's illness. Sure, it's a little harder sometimes. She is a little more irritable and not liking anybody other than mom right now, but it's very important to me that I can be with my boys and husband and Dru to do things that we have always done. I know there will come a time when she might be too sick or too immuno-suppressed to leave the house, so I'm not taking weekends like this for granted. I've always enjoyed these little traditions with my family, but now they have come to mean so much more. 

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